Empty Config
Online Config Editor
You can edit your config files, using our online config editor at https://editor.firstdark.dev. Alternatively, use the sdconfigeditor
command in your console to edit your config live on the server, using the web interface.
#General Mod Config
#Should the mod be enabled or not
enabled = true
#Enable Additional Logging. Used for Fault Finding. WARNING: CAUSES LOG SPAM!
debugging = false
#Internal version control. DO NOT TOUCH!
configVersion = 22
#Config specific to the discord bot
#The token of the Discord Bot to use. This will be encrypted on first load. See https://sdlink.fdd-docs.com/installation/bot-creation/ to find this
botToken = ""
#Print the bot invite link to the console on startup
printInviteLink = true
#Use silent replies when Slash Commands are used
silentReplies = true
#How often the Bot Status will update on Discord (in Seconds). Set to 0 to disable
statusUpdateInterval = 30
#Define how the bot should handle channel topic updates on the chat channel
#Should the bot update the topic of your chat channel automatically every 6 Minutes
doTopicUpdates = true
#How often should the bot update the channel topic (IN MINUTES)? CANNOT BE LOWER THAN 6 MINUTES!
updateInterval = 6
#A topic for the Chat Relay channel. You can use %player%, %maxplayers%, %uptime% or just leave it empty.
channelTopic = "Playing Minecraft with %players%/%maxplayers% people | Uptime: %uptime%"
#Configure the in-game Discord Invite command
#If this is defined, it will enable the in-game Discord command
inviteLink = ""
#The message to show when someone uses /discord command. You can use %inviteurl%
inviteMessage = "Hey, check out our discord server here -> %inviteurl%"
status = "Enjoying Minecraft with %players%/%maxplayers% players"
botStatusType = "CUSTOM_STATUS"
botStatusStreamingURL = "https://twitch.tv/twitch"
#Config relating to the discord channels and webhooks to use with the mod
#A DIRECT link to an image to use as the avatar for server messages. Also used for embeds
serverAvatar = ""
#The name to display for Server messages when using Webhooks
serverName = "Minecraft Server"
#Config relating to the discord channels to use with the mod
#REQUIRED! The ID of the channel to post in and relay messages from. This is still needed, even in webhook mode
chatChannelID = "0"
#If this ID is set, event messages will be posted in this channel instead of the chat channel
eventsChannelID = "0"
#If this ID is set, console messages sent after the bot started will be relayed here
consoleChannelID = "0"
#Config relating to the discord Webhooks to use with the mod
#Prefer Webhook Messages over Standard Bot Messages
enabled = false
#Change how the webhook name is displayed in discord. Available placeholders: %display_name%, %mc_name%
webhookNameFormat = "%display_name%"
#The URL of the channel webhook to use for Chat Messages. Will be encrypted on first run
chatWebhook = ""
#The URL of the channel webhook to use for Server Messages. Will be encrypted on first run
eventsWebhook = ""
#The URL of the channel webhook to use for Console Messages. DOES NOT WORK FOR CONSOLE RELAY! Will be encrypted on first run
consoleWebhook = ""
#Configure which types of messages are delivered to Minecraft/Discord
#Use linked account names in Discord/Minecraft messages, instead of the default ones
useLinkedNames = true
#Show the discord name, username and role of the user that sent a message in Minecraft when the message is hovered
showDiscordInfo = false
#Convert Discord to MC, and MC to Discord Formatting
formatting = true
#Should console messages be sent to the Console Channel
sendConsoleMessages = false
#The type of image to use as the player icon in messages. Valid entries are: AVATAR, HEAD, BODY, COMBO
playerAvatarType = "HEAD"
#Should messages sent with TellRaw be sent to discord as a chat? (Experimental)
relayTellRaw = true
#Should the entire command executed be relayed to discord, or only the name of the command
relayFullCommands = false
#Should messages from bots be relayed
ignoreBots = true
#Should SERVER STARTING messages be shown
serverStarting = true
#Should SERVER STARTED messages be shown
serverStarted = true
#Should SERVER STOPPING messages be shown
serverStopping = true
#Should SERVER STOPPED messages be shown
serverStopped = true
#Should the chat be relayed
playerMessages = true
#Should discord messages be relayed to Minecraft
discordMessages = true
#Should Player Join messages be posted
playerJoin = true
#Should Player Leave messages be posted
playerLeave = true
#Should Advancement messages be posted
advancementMessages = true
#Should Death Announcements be posted
deathMessages = true
#Should Messages from the /say command be posted
sendSayCommand = true
#Should commands be posted to discord
broadcastCommands = true
#Commands that should not be broadcast to discord
ignoredCommands = ["particle", "login", "execute"]
#Allow mentioning discord roles, users and channels from Minecraft Chat
allowMentionsFromChat = false
#Change the format in which messages are displayed
#Prefix to add to Minecraft when a message is relayed from Discord. Supports MC formatting. Use %user% for the Discord Username
mcPrefix = "§e[Discord]§r %user%: "
#Server Starting Message
serverStarting = "*Server is starting...*"
#Server Started Message
serverStarted = "*Server has started. Enjoy!*"
#Server Stopping Message
serverStopping = "*Server is stopping...*"
#Server Stopped Message
serverStopped = "*Server has stopped...*"
#Player Joined Message. Use %player% to display the player name
playerJoined = "*%player% has joined the server!*"
#Player Left Message. Use %player% to display the player name
playerLeft = "*%player% has left the server!*"
#Achievement Messages. Available variables: %player%, %title%, %description%
achievements = "*%player% has made the advancement [%title%]: %description%*"
#Chat Messages. THIS DOES NOT APPLY TO EMBED OR WEBHOOK MESSAGES. Available variables: %player%, %message%, %mcname%
chat = "%player%: %message%"
#Death Messages. Available variables: %player%, %message%
death = "%player% %message%"
#Command Messages. Available variables: %player%, %command%
commands = "%player% **executed command**: *%command%*"
#Change in which channel messages appear
#Control where CHAT messages are delivered
#The Channel the message will be delivered to. Valid entries are CHAT, EVENT, CONSOLE, OVERRIDE
channel = "CHAT"
#Should the message be sent using EMBED style messages
useEmbed = false
#Embed Layout to use
embedLayout = "default"
#Override the destination with a custom channel/webhook url. Make sure to change `channel` above to OVERRIDE
override = ""
#Control where START messages are delivered
#The Channel the message will be delivered to. Valid entries are CHAT, EVENT, CONSOLE, OVERRIDE
channel = "EVENT"
#Should the message be sent using EMBED style messages
useEmbed = false
#Embed Layout to use
embedLayout = "default"
#Override the destination with a custom channel/webhook url. Make sure to change `channel` above to OVERRIDE
override = ""
#Control where STOP messages are delivered
#The Channel the message will be delivered to. Valid entries are CHAT, EVENT, CONSOLE, OVERRIDE
channel = "EVENT"
#Should the message be sent using EMBED style messages
useEmbed = false
#Embed Layout to use
embedLayout = "default"
#Override the destination with a custom channel/webhook url. Make sure to change `channel` above to OVERRIDE
override = ""
#Control where JOIN messages are delivered
#The Channel the message will be delivered to. Valid entries are CHAT, EVENT, CONSOLE, OVERRIDE
channel = "EVENT"
#Should the message be sent using EMBED style messages
useEmbed = false
#Embed Layout to use
embedLayout = "default"
#Override the destination with a custom channel/webhook url. Make sure to change `channel` above to OVERRIDE
override = ""
#Control where LEAVE messages are delivered
#The Channel the message will be delivered to. Valid entries are CHAT, EVENT, CONSOLE, OVERRIDE
channel = "EVENT"
#Should the message be sent using EMBED style messages
useEmbed = false
#Embed Layout to use
embedLayout = "default"
#Override the destination with a custom channel/webhook url. Make sure to change `channel` above to OVERRIDE
override = ""
#Control where ADVANCEMENT messages are delivered
#The Channel the message will be delivered to. Valid entries are CHAT, EVENT, CONSOLE, OVERRIDE
channel = "EVENT"
#Should the message be sent using EMBED style messages
useEmbed = false
#Embed Layout to use
embedLayout = "default"
#Override the destination with a custom channel/webhook url. Make sure to change `channel` above to OVERRIDE
override = ""
#Control where DEATH messages are delivered
#The Channel the message will be delivered to. Valid entries are CHAT, EVENT, CONSOLE, OVERRIDE
channel = "EVENT"
#Should the message be sent using EMBED style messages
useEmbed = false
#Embed Layout to use
embedLayout = "default"
#Override the destination with a custom channel/webhook url. Make sure to change `channel` above to OVERRIDE
override = ""
#Control where COMMAND messages are delivered
#The Channel the message will be delivered to. Valid entries are CHAT, EVENT, CONSOLE, OVERRIDE
channel = "EVENT"
#Should the message be sent using EMBED style messages
useEmbed = false
#Embed Layout to use
embedLayout = "default"
#Override the destination with a custom channel/webhook url. Make sure to change `channel` above to OVERRIDE
override = ""
#Control where messages that match none of the above are delivered
#The Channel the message will be delivered to. Valid entries are CHAT, EVENT, CONSOLE, OVERRIDE
channel = "EVENT"
#Should the message be sent using EMBED style messages
useEmbed = false
#Embed Layout to use
embedLayout = "default"
#Override the destination with a custom channel/webhook url. Make sure to change `channel` above to OVERRIDE
override = ""
#Manage access to your server, similar to whitelisting
#Enable Access Control
enabled = false
#Does the player need to be a member of your discord to join
requireDiscordMembership = false
#Can players verify multiple Minecraft Accounts
allowMultipleAccounts = false
#Change the discord user nickname to their Minecraft name when their accounts are linked
changeDiscordNickname = false
#Optional: The player requires any of these roles to be able to join your server
requiredRoles = []
#Optional: Players with these roles will never be allowed access to your server
deniedRoles = []
#Optional: Role name or ID to assign to verified player accounts
verifiedRole = ""
#Should players with verified accounts, be banned from Minecraft if they get banned on discord
banPlayerOnDiscordBan = false
#Should members with verified accounts, be banned from discord when they are banned on Minecraft
banMemberOnMinecraftBan = false
#Configure messages shown to players when they don't meet verification requirements
#The message shown to players that are not verified
accountVerification = "This server requires account verification. Your verification code is: {code}. Please visit our discord server for instructions on how to verify your account."
#Message to show to players that are not a member of your discord
nonMember = "Sorry, you need to be a member of our discord server to join this server"
#Message to show when player doesn't have one of the required roles. Use {roles} to display the names of configured roles
requireRoles = "Sorry, but you require any of the following roles: {roles}"
#Message to show when player has a role from the deniedRoles list
roleDenied = "Sorry, but you are not allowed to access this server."
#Execute Minecraft commands in Discord
#Allow executing Minecraft commands from Discord
enabled = false
#Command Prefix. For example ?weather clear
prefix = "?"
#Should command replies be deleted automatically or not
keepReplies = false
#Should the original message that was sent to trigger the command be deleted automatically or not
keepOriginal = false
#You can leave this empty, or enter the channel ID's (surrounded by "") of channels where linked commands can be used
allowedChannels = []
#List of command permissions
permissions = []
#Configure messages that will be ignored when relaying to discord
#Filter certain types of messages from being relayed back to discord
ignoredMessages = true
#List of entries to process
entries = []
#Ignore messages sent from certain threads
ignoredThreads = []
#Run Minecraft commands when discord roles changes. Requires Access Control to be enabled
#Should any of the below commands be executed when a role changes
enabled = false
#Commands to run when roles are added
roleAdded = []
#Commands to run when roles are removed
roleRemoved = []