# Minecraft Commands (in game)

Below is a list of in game commands provided by SDLink, as well as their luckperms permissions

Command Function LuckPerms Permission
sdconfigeditor Open a connection to our online config editor, to allow you to edit your config with a web interface sdlink.configeditor
discord Print the configured discord invite link, if any sdlink.discordinvite
hideplayer Hide a player from chat relay (similar to muting) sdlink.muteplayer
unhideplayer Remove a hidden player, so their chats can be relayed again sdlink.unmuteplayer
reloadbot Reload the entire bot and config (similar to a server restart, without restarting) sdlink.reloadbot
reloadembeds Reload embeds when changes have been made to them sdlink.reloadembeds
whois View the Discord Name of a linked minecraft account sdlink.whois
discordverify Command to use with optional verification sdlink.discord_verify