# Console Relay

Sometimes you want to know what is going on, on your server, without having to access the console.

Luckily, Simple Discord Link comes with a Console relay Feature. This will forward the output of your server console, to the consoleChannel of your discord.

# Setting the channel

To get the console channel ID, right-click on the channel you want console relay to go to and select "Copy Channel ID".

In the [channelsAndWebooks.channels] section paste that ID in the consoleChannelID field

	#REQUIRED! The ID of the channel to post in and relay messages from. This is still needed, even in webhook mode
	chatChannelID = "1143258591260856360"
	#If this ID is set, event messages will be posted in this channel instead of the chat channel
	eventsChannelID = "0"
	#If this ID is set, console messages sent after the bot started will be relayed here
	consoleChannelID = "124646549815216548"

After this, head over to the [chat] section, and make sure sendConsoleMessages = false is set to true.

Restart your server, and you should see your console being relayed back to discord.