
Simple Discord Links provide some basic events, that you can use during development.

To start receiving events, you first need to register your class with our Event Bus.

public final class MyAwesomeMod implements DedicatedServerModInitializer { @Override public void onInitializeServer() { CraterEventBus.INSTANCE.registerEventListener(new MyEventsClass()); } }

You are now ready to start receiving events.

#Events Example

import com.hypherionmc.craterlib.core.event.annot.CraterEventListener; import com.hypherionmc.sdlink.api.events.SDLinkReadyEvent; import com.hypherionmc.sdlink.api.events.SlashCommandRegistrationEvent; import com.hypherionmc.sdlink.api.events.VerificationEvent; public class MyEventsClass { @CraterEventListener public void onSdlinkReady(SDLinkReadyEvent event) { // This event is fired when the bot is fully connected to discord and ready to work } @CraterEventListener public void onCommandRegister(SlashCommandRegistrationEvent event) { // This event is fired during start up, allowing you to register your own commands } @CraterEventListener public void onPlayerVerified(VerificationEvent.PlayerVerified event) { // Fired when a player is verified by the AccessControl system } @CraterEventListener public void onPlayerUnverified(VerificationEvent.PlayerUnverified event) { // Fired when a player is unverified by the AccessControl system } }