Version 3.2.2
Requires CraterLib 2.1.3 or newer*
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed Emojis not working with Emojiful - #138
- Remove synced ranks when account is unverified - #134
- Don't try to sync mentions to client when running on paper
- Fix database engine not regenerating database files when they are deleted while the server is running
- Fixed Forwarded messages not being relayed to discord - #141
- Added checker to prevent bot from getting stuck in NotReady state - #139
New Features:
- Added Optional verification, to allow people to use most (not all) features that required access control to be enabled, without it being enabled.
- Added basic spam checker to prevent spammed messages from being relayed to discord. Should help with command spams and ratelimits
- Allow Verify and Unverify commands to be used in DM, and verification codes can also be DM'ed to the bot
- Compatibility with Player Revive Mod - #107
- Added feature to log Whitelist changes to a channel - #78
- Config Option to add your own Avatar Service URL
Technical Changes:
- Updated Discord JDA to Stable 5