# Version 3.0.0

# Changes

  • The config structure has been cleaned up and re-organised. Config is now stored in config/simple-discord-link/simple-discord-link.toml
  • Bot Token and Webhook URL fields are now ENCRYPTED. Encryption key is stored in sdlinkstorage/key.enc. Copy this file if you move the config to a new server!
  • SQLite is no longer used for storing Whitelisted and Linked accounts. It's now stored in a JSON file, under sdlinkstorage
  • You can now use channels and webhooks separately. If a channel is defined for something, but a webhook is not, the channel will be used instead.
  • The Whitelist and Account Link systems have been removed and replaced by a new Access Control system.
  • Linked Minecraft Commands can now be used outside the console channel
  • TellRaw is now better supported, and will only relay messages from @a
  • The /sdreload command has been removed. All important parts of the config auto-reloads. Things like channel ids, bot token, roles and webhooks require a server restart
  • Text based commands prefix command (~help, ~status, etc) have been removed
  • Removed Staff role config option. Command permissions are now handled by Discord command permissions
  • IP Addresses now show as [REDACTED] in console relay
  • Linked commands system has been fully redesigned to make it easier to use and configure

# New Features

  • Messages from other mods that are not caught from other events will now be attempted to be relayed. You can filter these messages in the config
  • You can now filter out specific messages from being relayed
  • You can now disable the bot status updates by setting the update interval to 0
  • SimpleChat is now supported on Fabric
  • Vanish is now supported on Fabric and Forge
  • You can now mention Roles, Channels and Users from Minecraft chat. Can be disabled in config and requires client side install
  • You can now ping roles from pre-configured messages, like Server Starting, Player join etc
  • You can now customize embeds with JSON
  • Player access can now be controlled with discord roles. Perfect for Patreon only servers.
  • Chat relay will now use Linked names (Discord/MC) instead of the default names (if possible, can be disabled in the config)
  • Death messages can now be customized
  • Added /reloadembeds Minecraft command
  • Discord -> MC Relay will now show in chat if an attachment was sent to discord (In the format of a text message. No embeds yet)
  • Added new config variables to allow you to use the discord color of the user in the chat prefix

# Bug Fixes

  • Minecraft formatting is now properly stripped from the chat and usernames
  • The config now properly reloads itself on edit, without resulting game crashes
  • Empty messages are no longer relayed to discord
  • Fixed /say command relay replacing any instance of the word me